Author Archives: Tricia

Why We Love Blooms and Berries Farm Market

Why We Love Blooms and Berries Farm Market

If you were around here last fall, you might have seen my previous post on Blooms and Berries about their pumpkin patch.  We’ve trekked out there in the fall for a couple of years, but not for any other reason. Until a few weeks ago.  I happened to see that they were hosting a Kids’ Night in

A Book Log for Summer Readers

A Book Log for Summer Readers

School is almost over for Stella.  It’s hard to believe she finishes Kindergarten tomorrow.  We have lots of fun activities planned for the summer.  One thing I know she’ll keep doing is reading.  We are blessed that she loves to sit down and read to herself. I wanted to find a way to keep reading

Happy Birth-iversary!

Happy Birth-iversary!

        Today is both my birthday and wedding anniversary.  Here’s some insight in numbers.   12 = years of marriage 25 = age when I got married 37 = years of life (so you don’t have to do the math) 8 = months of engagement 4 = hours to travel to our wedding

Amaretto Slush

Amaretto Slush

If you love a sweet, slushie cocktail, then this one is for you!  I am looking forward to drinking one or two of these at a friend’s house tonight. Amaretto Slush Ingredients: 2 cups brewed tea (2 cups water and 6 tea bags) 7 cups boiling water 1 cup sugar 2-12 oz. frozen lemonade (thawed

Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother’s Day!

    Mother’s Day has been PERFECT.  Low key.  No plans.  (Andy came home from a week-long business trip last night.)  We had donuts and chocolate milk for breakfast.  I received lots of handmade cards and notes and puzzles.  I adore hand print art and Henry’s potted flowers (above) melt my heart. After breakfast, Andy



  A special thank you to close friends of ours for sharing their recipe with us last year!  Some of you saw it last May on my recipe blog.  Now you can find it here.   And it’s also your friendly reminder to plant some mint for the summer (but beware it spreads like crazy, so

The Good Side of Daycare

The Good Side of Daycare

Stella’s note to her daycare teacher. She’s delivering it tomorrow. If you read yesterday’s post, you know I was focused on the mom who is ending her maternity leave and heading back to work.  I appreciate all of your comments on Facebook.  You added such great insights and positive thinking for a mom during a

Dear Mom Who is Ending Maternity Leave

Dear Mom Who is Ending Maternity Leave

  I know a lot of mommas who just recently had babies.  (What was in the water!?!??!)  And a couple of those mommas will be returning to work shortly.  And some are brand new to mommy-hood.  I’m not going to lie…going back to work is not easy…with your first child or your third.     It’s

What’s Up? It’s Been a Week…

What’s Up? It’s Been a Week…

  Why I haven’t posted on here in almost a week.  Hopefully you’ve been following along on Instagram or Facebook.   1. Henry stopped napping.   2. The weather was really super nice this past week.  As in, SHORTS weather.  Stella learned how to ride her bike and we’ve spent many hours in our cul-de-sac

Pasta Bake

Pasta Bake

This is still my go-to dish when I need to take something to a new mom, a busy mom, etc. It’s the perfect recipe to throw together and deliver. In fact, I delivered a couple today!   Prep: 20 minutesCook: 20 minutesServes: 6-8 adults 12-16 oz. Penne or Rotini pasta1 lb. ground beef1 cup chopped

What Are You Reading?

What Are You Reading?

  Now that I’m not working anymore, one of my goals is to finally read some of the books stacked up by my bed.  I have probably 15-20 books I’ve accumulated that I really want to read.   Some of you saw on my Facebook page that I actually managed to finish Firefly Lane.  It