Author Archives: Tricia

What Every Mom Needs at the Pool

What Every Mom Needs at the Pool

Now that the weather is hot and humid, it’s time to head to the pool more often.  However, being at the pool with little kids requires a lot of work and a lot of gear.  And if you are a mom going alone?  You must pack wisely whether you are going for an hour or

Container Gardening on Our Deck

Container Gardening on Our Deck

Yesterday I started talking about our “garden”.  This year I wanted to grow more than just flowers in the yard.  BUT we have deer.  And raccoons.  And birds.  Lots of little creatures that love to nibble on everything. However, I really missed those tomatoes we grew in Alabama.  So I got two tomato plants and potted

What Does Your Garden Grow?

What Does Your Garden Grow?

Back in 2005, we had a garden.  A very large garden.  When we moved into that house in Birmingham in 2003, it had a playset in the backyard that was rotting and falling apart.  So we had it hauled away and then rented a tiller.  We loved that garden and still think it produced the

Leftover Hot Dog Buns – How to Use Them Up!

Leftover Hot Dog Buns – How to Use Them Up!

Do you ever have any leftover hot dog buns? Somehow I always end up with leftover hot dog buns.  Always.  Sometimes I would freeze them and use them later.  But usually, they’d collect mold and get thrown own in the trash. Until one day.  One *MAGICAL* day when we were completely out of bread and the

Wunderlist – A Great App for List Making and Sharing

Wunderlist – A Great App for List Making and Sharing

Do you need a free app that keeps all of your lists in one place? I’m a list maker.  And I used to be a notepad and pen person before I got my iPhone.  Then I tried all sorts of apps for making lists and reminders…Reminders, Notes, Evernote, Remember the Cow, Kroger app list maker,

Summer Reading – What’s On Your List?

Summer Reading – What’s On Your List?

{Total side note, but I know some of you follow on Bloglovin and other feeds…and I know it’s not redirecting correctly and showing that I have NO NEW POSTS!  eek.  I’m trying to get it fixed…and if that’s the only way you get to my blog you are not reading this anyway…ugh.} Follow my blog

Tissue Paper Crafts for Kids

Tissue Paper Crafts for Kids

Are you looking for a simple, quick, hardly-any-supplies-needed, indoor craft for your kids? Do you have a lot of tissue paper left over from receiving gifts?  No?!?  Are you one of those that recycles it or throws it away?  Not me.  I’m that annoying person that KEEPS every bit of tissue paper to reuse or

The Summer It Didn’t Stop Raining

The Summer It Didn’t Stop Raining

Recently the summer has been wet.  Really wet.  I think we are all feeling a little soggy here and a tad bit pruney and/or wrinkly.  And stir crazy?  Yup.  We’ve all got the fever…cabin fever. If you are not local, we have not seen the sun for days.  At least not for more than a few minutes

Pink Panty Droppers Summer Cocktail

Pink Panty Droppers Summer Cocktail

Looking for a new summer cocktail? These Pink Panty Droppers were a big hit at my Fifty Shades of Grey Party last summer.  One of my neighborhood friends brought them with her.  And lucky for us, she had them again last week at a gathering at her house.  Otherwise known as…we-made-it-to-friday-and-now-we’ll-enjoy-happy-hour-til-our-husbands-get-home.  The kids had a good

I’m Still Here and Independent!

I’m Still Here and Independent!

So, yep.  I’m still here.  Over the past month I’ve had a person I’ve never met before in real life working behind the scenes on transferring everything on my old Blogger blog over to this here WordPress blog.  Some might ask…huh?  Why?  First of all, I had no time to learn how to do it



Just an FYI.  If you visit here and the site is DOWN, I’m in the process of moving to WordPress this week!    Wish me luck.  I’m going to need it on this new learning adventure.   Once I’m up and running, I’m hoping to return to a more regular schedule of posts this summer.