Author Archives: Tricia

Bluegrass for Babies Info and a Giveaway

Bluegrass for Babies Info and a Giveaway

I must admit I have not attended Bluegrass for Babies in the past.  It always seems to fall on the same weekend as one of our huge family events.  However, this year I am hoping to attend – even if it’s for a little while. Never heard of Bluegrass for Babies?  Keep reading.  It’s a

Summer Finale – Lessons from the Pool

Summer Finale – Lessons from the Pool

This was our very first summer at our neighborhood pool.  And will definitely not be the last.  As I look back over the summer at the pool, here are some lessons learned and things I want to remember. It takes at least an hour for me to get 3 kids “ready” to go to the

Cones for the Cure Campaign

Cones for the Cure Campaign

What better way to cure cancer than with ice cream?!?! I’ve got to admit that Graeter’s is one of my all-time favorite ice creams.  It’s a regional thing here in the Cincinnati area.  So when I was asked to help spread the word about the Cones for the Cure campaign…there was no way I was going

Walkin’ in the Woods

Walkin’ in the Woods

One of the awesome things about our house is that our backyard borders some woods.  Not a huge forest, but a lot of trees!  In the summer you cannot see the house behind us, but once all the leaves fall you are able to make out the outline of their house and see some lights

Flying With Your Spouse – Together or Separate?

Flying With Your Spouse – Together or Separate?

Have you taken a trip with your significant other and left the kids behind? Andy and I have been fortunate to take a trip alone here and there since we’ve had kids.  But we’ve never flown together on those trips. Do you (or would you) fly alone or together? When I was in college I

My Little Buddy is Turning THREE

My Little Buddy is Turning THREE

Talk about time flying.  Where did my baby go?  Just like it’s hard to believe Stella is in 1st grade, it’s also hard to believe Henry is going to be THREE on Monday.  Glad we could give all of you a holiday to celebrate it this year! Henry, my buddy, here is a little list

A Week of Firsts for my First Grader

A Week of Firsts for my First Grader

Seriously?  Where did the summer go?  Wasn’t Stella just finishing up kindergarten last week?  How on earth is she already in 1st grade?  At least it’s been a great start to the year so far.  Here’s something I haven’t done in awhile and the reason I started blogging in the first place…recording the moments of my

Workout Gear – Whether You are Working Out or Not!

Workout Gear – Whether You are Working Out or Not!

Anyone else LOVE workout gear? Even if you are not actually working out in it?  My wardrobe over the past eight months has definitely changed since I’m not heading to a corporate office every day anymore.  I will admit my closet increased in yoga pants, yoga capris pants, running shorts and workout shirts. Have you

Hand-Me-Down Heaven

Hand-Me-Down Heaven

So excited to receive this box in the mail yesterday from a friend down south.  I LOVE hand-me-downs.  Especially when it’s 7 Mini Boden items!  I consider myself extremely lucky to receive hand-me-downs from quite a few friends with older girls and boys. At any given time you are likely to see this in my

End of the Summer Blues

End of the Summer Blues

This is how I’m feeling these days y’all.  Like my poor tomato plants.  Trying to hang in there.  Not looking so good, but still thriving here and there.  And even producing something great – even if it’s just an itty-bitty-bit. It’s the end-of-the-summer blues.  And more like end-of-the-summer-and-the-weather-sucks blues.  Don’t get me wrong…it did finally