Category Archives: Henry

Pancake Predicament & Other Laughs

Dreary and cold Monday mornings call for a good laugh – is it really only 36 degrees??  So here are a few things to start your week in the right direction. One day last week during pick-up I grabbed Henry’s daily sheet and folded it in half and shoved it in his car seat up under

Snow Day

We had a wonderful weekend at home and it finally warmed up enough to go out and play in our fresh snow.  Charlotte lasted  5 minutes, but Stella would have stayed out in it for days. Snow Angel:   Yummy hot chocolate afterwards:  All while my sweet boy took an afternoon nap:  But finally woke

Sick Kids…Oh How the Reaction Changes!

Henry went to the pediatrician today for his first sick visit and it reminded me of how much I’ve changed since Stella was born! Date: 2007Situation: Infant with 104 temperature in the middle of the nightCourse of Action: Both Andy and I are up with Stella and make the decision to take her to ER because

Udderly Cool

Here’s a product I never thought I’d own…a Bottle Snuggler.  And I could only  imagine myself and my opinion of it back a couple of years when I only had one child.  I’m sure I would have seen it and thought, “Who does that?”  If I had seen a friend with one I’d probably consider (even if just