Finding the Funny: Swim Lessons Continued

My Life and Kids
Finding the Funny
Due to the overwhelming response from yesterday’s post about Swim Lessons, I’m linking up to Anna and Kelley’s weekly finding the funny
Anna’s blog, My Life and Kids, is one I read in batches.  Because I like it so much I want to really read it and comment, etc.  But that means I’m usually about 3 weeks behind on what she’s posted.  She’s truly hilarious and although she stays home, I still feel I can relate to almost all of her posts since she also had three kids in three years, is local, and has an awesome husband like mine.  Maybe we’ll meet in person one day…Bloggy Moms conference in September, Anna??
And now just a quick update to yesterday’s post about my Monday evening…
Charlotte was being bribed with that quarter because we have been notified by her teachers that all dresses she wears must have shorts under them.  She apparently likes to lift her skirts…a lot.  And, um, Charlotte didn’t earn her quarter.  Instead she climbed up on a chair to put on her shoes and sat indian-style.  Luckily the area wasn’t well populated at that time and only me and my mom got the full crotch view.
My mom’s jaw did drop when I shouted “vagina” in the parking lot.  She said others definitely heard it.  I’m just glad neither Stella nor Charlotte replied anything containing the slang “vajayjay”…because yes, they know that term as well.  Seriously?  Ask a 3 or 4-year old to say it…it’s hilarious!  Just be sure to remind them that it’s a private word we only use with our family in the bathroom.  Glad they stuck to that rule last night.
On the way home a deer almost came into the road and I said “Oh! Deer!”  My mom thought I said “Oh, dear!” and was trying to figure out what was wrong.  It took us 10 minutes to clear that one up.  That tells you just how much we lost our minds during the 30 minute swim lesson debacle.
For those of you who were disappointed that I chose cookies over wine…sorry.  I had a lot of chores to do after their bedtime and knew the wine would put me to sleep.  Don’t worry.  I made up for it last night.

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