10K Tuesday – Sesame Street Triathlon

10K training hit a low this past week.  No one felt good at the beginning of the week (we all have coughs and colds and lack of sleep going on at our house), I was trying to get the house prepared for the in-laws for the weekend, I was trying to get myself prepared for the girls-only trip, etc.  So treadmill time was limited.  I would love to say that I took a couple of great long runs along the beach, but I will not lie.  I did get a lot of walking in, but that was about it.

However, when I was at Target looking for a souvenir for Henry, I found this book in the dollar bin – which still turns into about $15 for me each trip…how…does…that…happen???  Every time???  I love books, t-shirts, songs, ANYTHING geared towards kids that focuses on healthy habits.  So, “yay!” to Sesame Street…this one is a SHORT favorite this evening.  We’ve read it 5 times and talked all about swimming, biking and running as forms of exercise.  The girls demonstrated these activities around the house and cannot wait until spring to run free even more in the outdoors.

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