Summer Bucket List


Yesterday, my kids had a one-hour early release. We had a little extra time after school before swim team practice. And everyone was hyped-up about the idea of summer starting. So I made them have a snack at the table and each kid create a list of things they wanted to do over the summer. Then we grabbed a big piece of poster board and markers. We took turns going around the table and sharing our ideas. If the idea passed, it got added to the poster. Some ideas did not make the cut. Like “Go to the pool”. I had to explain normal-every-day activities vs. bucket-list activities. And since we’ve already been to the pool 5 times…it’s not really a bucket list item. I let “hang out with friends” slide because each kid had their own list of special play dates they want to have. Now the poster is hanging on our basement door in the kitchen. Everyone can see it. It was a fun activity that kept them occupied for about an hour!

Do You Have a Summer Bucket List?

What’s on It?

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