What Does Your Garden Grow?

Back in 2005, we had a garden.  A very large garden.  When we moved into that house in Birmingham in 2003, it had a playset in the backyard that was rotting and falling apart.  So we had it hauled away and then rented a tiller.  We loved that garden and still think it produced the best damn corn we ever ate in our lives.  We had three rows of sweet corn.  And we also added zucchini, yellow squash, peppers, tomatoes, herbs, sunflowers and other flowers.  We lived on an acre in a suburb and the yard was completely fenced.


Now we have a much smaller yard.  It is not fenced.  And it backs up to woods.  And many, many animals visit us.  Deer, raccoons, red fox, etc.  We’ve tried in the past to grow a few things, but most gets eaten by wildlife.  So this year I started putting some things in containers on the deck.  Our biggest accomplishment?  The sunflower.  At our Earth Day event at the zoo back in April the girls both planted sunflower seeds.  And they have continued to grow.  I really, really, really hope they end up blooming.


We’re growing a few other things…but you’ll have to come back later for another update soon!

Do you have a garden?

What are you growing?

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