MOMents I’d Rather Forget


I’m sweating.
Is this really where my morning has gone?
I’ve been up since 4:30 working on the stack of papers on the desk.
My rare quiet time.
Then the real morning routine begins.
She smiles, she laughs.
Then a request she doesn’t take well.
And the coin-flip works against me today.
NO! to pottying.
NO! to brushing teeth.
How dare I ask her to get dressed.
She’s in tears, thrashing.
I now find myself sitting atop of her, cramming legs into pants.
She squirms. She cries.
Hugs don’t work.
Threats don’t work.
I’m angry.
I’m hurt.
I’m disappointed.
I’m deflated.
I’m sad. 
Sad especially for the other two.
The two who ride this roller coaster of Charlotte emotions with us.
Stella who tugs at my pants, “Mommy, I love you.”
Henry who actually hugs my shoulder; something reserved for Andy.
Back to chaos.
Andy straps her into the car.
The door is shut.
I assume I’ll hear quiet. 
But I still hear sobs.
Only now they are mine.
I pull myself together and head to work.
Lady Gaga blasts on the radio.
Starbucks becomes a necessity and the warmth calms me.
Andy calls to say she calmed down the instant she was in the daycare director’s arms.
Of course she did.
These are MOMents I’d rather forget.



11 Responses to MOMents I’d Rather Forget

  1. Sorry it was a bad morning. She will do something amazing and sweet to make you forget soon. Bear always hugs me or caresses my cheek when I’m dealing with a June fit too.

  2. Oh, T! These kinds of mornings are so rough on parents. Such a floodgte of emotions. Your comment about being sad for the other two as they ride the emotional rollercoaster really resonates w/me. I’ve been there w/J time and time again – even in the course of one day. It truly sucks.

    Potential lessons here (you know, where’s the silver lining?):
    * It is literally impossible to get a child dressed and keep the child dressed if they don’t want to.
    * Plan out a different approach to take the next time the roller coaster takes the same wild path downhill: Give her a time limit in which to complete her task; if she doesn’t do it, time out (or whatever you prefer as consequence); mix it up by making a game out of it “i wonder if mommy can finish making this lunch before you ____”; sticker chart; whatever. The point is: make a plan and be ready to use it.
    * Deep breaths are good for moms and dads.
    * Yes, she shapes up in front of others… Not out of spite for you but b/c (1) the environment changed and (2) she feels safe to lose it in front of you.
    * You’re a marvelous mom. This type of incident bothers you because you’re a marvelous mom.

    Loving you in support of bad moms who’ve had bad mornings! Carrie

  3. So sorry it was a rough morning. I’ve been there, too, and it IS something you’d like to forget.
    Hugs to you and hope it’s a better day tomorrow.

  4. Thanks everyone! I appreciate each and every comment. You are all so correct. And thanks for not judging when i took a picture of the whole thing. I thought maybe that would snap her mood back, but no. tomorrow will be a better day!

  5. Oh, we ALL have mornings like that…they are so hard!!! I would like to erase all of those bad mornings from my memory as well as my children’s.
    Hope your tomorrow is better 🙂

  6. OH dear! You are a mommy rockstar and don’t ever let Charlotte make you believe otherwise. I have so many of these MOMents and although my kids seem to bounce back immediately, I feel guilt or resentment for way too long. Thank goodness for Starbucks…the suburban mommy’s drug of choice.

  7. I can relate – this sounds like my dear Luke. I’ve learned so many great techniques to use with him and thankfully we don’t have these MOMents much any more. I’ve learned how to head them off before they start! Getting through to each child is so different, let me know if you want me to pass along any the resources that’s made my life easier!


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