3 lbs of Egocentricity aka Dear Restoration Hardware

Dear Restoration Hardware,
When I opened my mailbox today, I was shocked.  What monstrosity did I find inside?  Your catalog.  Oh wait, even you aren’t calling it just that.  It’s a “source book/magalog/catalog”.  Even you aren’t sure what exactly to call it at 516 pages.  Yep, FIVE HUNDRED sixteen pages.
I thought Penney’s ended that era?  And for good reason.  I’ve tried more and more to get off of mailing lists.  I HATE junk mail.  And there are only a few catalogs I actually physically go through and order from and I’m trying to break the habit of those as well and switch to completely online viewing.  I am really trying to cut down on paper mail.  
So, yes, I’m guilty of receiving other catalogs.  And yes, those catalogs could equal 516 pages over a year. 
Here’s what I don’t like about receiving yours.  First, I’m not sure I’ve been in your store in the last decade or ever received mail from you before.  Why me?  Why now?  Why 3 lbs of it?  Why so wasteful?  But wait, you recognize this in your opening letter…”we ask that you hang on to it, as we do our part to support conservation and won’t be sending you another one until spring”…I DON’T want another one in the spring.  I never asked for this one.  That will go straight to my recycle bin.

As this other post states, it seemed so egocentric of you.  Just kind of slapped me in the face when I opened that mailbox.  Left a bad taste in my mouth for your store and catalogs in general.

Risky move…I’ll be curious to see how it goes for you. 

Best of luck and remove me from future mailings.  Immediately.

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