Sink or Swim

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Clothes that need sorted and donated (news flash…Henry definitely cannot wear the 6-9 month items that are still in his closet)
A dining room that even after working on it for an hour yesterday you still can’t see as anything but a storage area
Competency documents
Guilt (I should be focusing more on helping Henry learn to walk)
Meal planning
Grocery shopping
Guilt (Charlotte needs more potty-training help from us)
Gifts that need to be sent for babies that will be toddlers soon
Sleep deprivation
Expense reports
Guilt (we missed church again last weekend)
McDonald’s happy meals
Photos that need to be organized
Baby books that need updated
Long work hours lately
Guilt (I should be reading more with Stella)
A photo calendar I promised someone months ago
Piles of papers to scan
Sweet tea and cherry cokes
Guilt (Someone else cleans my house, for crying out loud!)
Lack of exercise
The hot fudge ice cream sundae I had yesterday (which was NOT the first in a long time)
Guilt (Charlotte needs more one-on-one attention)
Work in general
Confession…I’m drowning.
Drowning in the above.  All of it.
Having one kid was “simple”.  Going from one to two…not so bad.  Having three kids?  I’ve lost my mind.  I’ve never played catch-up like this before.  And as someone who likes to be organized, on time, in control?  Eek!  I feel like I’m always one step behind.  Always in a sink or swim situation lately.  Always preparing for the next meal, the next bedtime, the next get-us-all-out-of-the-house-with-everything-we-need situation.  And if I have a few minutes…I’m too exhausted to start on anything that really needs attention.
But I’m not sure what I’d cut out of our life.  I’d prefer to see our friends more, not less.  At least work should get more manageable soon as a project dies down and evening hours go away.  I refuse to give up some personal interests that make me feel like me…human again.  Like blogging and crafting.  It’s all about balance, right?  Easier said than done.  But this too shall pass.
One girlfriend has started getting up even earlier each morning.  She used to be a 4:30 alarm-goes-off like me (lately I’ve been sleeping in ’til 5:00)…but recently switched to 3:30 (but swears it’s temporary).  Is this what has become of the working mom?  And how much is self-induced?  I know I’m my own worst enemy.  Case in point…writing this post when there are a million other things to do.  But I needed the 10-minute break.
You?  What are you drowning in?  Or how are you handling it all?  Tips?  Pointers?  Help!

5 Responses to Sink or Swim

  1. Shut up. 3:30?!!! If that’s what it’s come to for the working mom, I’m not game. If that is the only thing on the Cons side for baby #3, it still wins.

  2. I would rather sell a couple of the kids than get up at 3:30am! Young kids are very labor intensive. Hang in there. You are drowning with the rest of us. At least you look good doing it.
    As for the guilt, your children are wonderful and so very loved. You are an amazing mom! You have given your children siblings. That is a gift. Pace yourself. Parenting is a marathon not a sprint.
    (Now to take my own advice…)

  3. I second Krista! Enjoy the journeys – not the destination!

    as for the 3:30 am – wow – I’m far far too lazy and love my sleep way to much to get up that early. Btwn you and me – I usually go back to sleep until atleast 8am while the girls play (dh feeds them breakfast before he leaves). Sounds bad I suppose, but on the bright side they typically get along great during the time (I’ve spied on them a few times to see) and also I figure if they do argue it’s a great time for them to develop unassisted conflict resolution skills right???

  4. 4:30 is early enough for me. And I do enjoy that hour of peace and quiet and ME time. Now, I am in bed by 10. I’m too exhausted to stay up any later now-a-days. Thanks for your comments!

  5. ok, 1. 3:30 is insane. period. and not healthy for anyone. 2. I totally went through this (and I only have 2 kids) 3. You can survive it…making the mental jump to “dealing with it” instead of “living with it” is half the battle.

    When we purged our house (about a 6 month process) we started by bringing in a box a day…that box would be filled with either trash items or donation items. And the next day that box went wherever it was supposed to go. Start with the easy stuff (like baby clothes that are too small or stained) and then work your way up. We use the “1 year” rule…if I haven’t used it in the last year, and last year I kept it just in case I needed it this year, then its got to go!!

    (and hi, came over from embrace the camera!)

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