Things I’ve Been Meaning to Do

Things I’ve been meaning to do:

1. Go through these hand-me-downs a friend brought over last week for Henry.  Or at least move them out of the front living room:

2. Hang this frame that I put together months ago.  I think it’s Charlotte…but maybe it’s Stella.  Nope, just checked the desk.  It’s definitely Charlotte…been meaning to frame Stella’s similar 4 Baptismal pictures that are right here next to the keyboard:
3. Start making my bed in 2011.  Not sure where the bedspread ended up, but throw pillows are still stacked on side chair where they remained all of 2010.

4. Replace this item in the nursery.  See, it’s a shadow box of CHARLOTTE’S birth.  And poor Henry has been in that room SEVEN months now.

So, anything you’ve been meaning to do?

9 Responses to Things I’ve Been Meaning to Do

  1. Oh my gosh, I am a FREAK about making my bed! Sometimes I even want to sleep on top of the quilt so I don’t mess it up while I sleep… 🙂


  2. The list of things I have been meaning to do is WAY TOO LONG! A few items on it: write thank you notes for birthday gifts, go through closet and weed out clothes that my daughter has grown out of, catch up on reading blogs . . .

    We have a showing for our house tomorrow night so this evening, like so many, will mostly be spent tidying up as much as I can in advance.

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