10K Tuesday – Future Cyclist?

So, what do you think…future cyclist or dancer?
I’m slowly building up my miles.  I’m still at a 12-minute pace, but up to 2 miles this week.  I also got to spend another hour on the treadmill over the weekend.  I caught up on The Good Wife, The Bachelor and Big Love
I also watched a few old episodes of OprahWill and Jada Pinkett Smith were on last May, but still hanging out on my DVR.  I got a couple of great reminders/take-aways from that episode:
  1. Jada talking about her children and the idea of vision/goals…”So we are there to help inspire and facilitate their vision, because in order to reach the type of excellence that Will is talking about, you have to be able to reach inside yourself to find that drive. Nobody can put that drive in you, so you have to inspire the individual to find and focus on the goal that they want for themselves.” This reminded me so much of my daily work in Employee Development.  No matter what people think…I can’t put drive into others.  People have to have their own goals.  Training doesn’t fix people.
  2. Will talking about his grandmother and going to church with her…he asked her, “Why are you smiling all the time?”  Her reply, “I know what I’m here to do.  I’m going to make everything I touch better.” Wow – what a great positive attitude!
  3. Great quote from the episode about surviving challenges: “Greatness lives on the edge of destruction and the reason someone is great is they survived death.  It’s like the phoenix that rises up through the ashes. . . I’m still standing, bring it on!”
Feeling a bit under the weather today (everyone’s snotty in our house this week)…I’m TIRED more than anything.  So today was a rest day and we’ll see what tomorrow brings.

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